
Friday, May 20

Utility Statements in QTP - Part 1

Hello Friends,

In this series of post, we'll discuss the utility statements. These are very useful commands, provided in QTP, make your life easy.

The following utility statements help you control your test.

  • DescribeResult Statement
  • ExecuteFile Statement
  • ExitAction Statement
  • ExitActionIteration Statement
  • ExitComponent Statement
  • ExitComponentIteration Statement
  • ExitTest Statement
  • ExitTestIteration Statement
  • GetLastError Statement
  • InvokeApplication Statement
  • ManualStep Statement
  • Print Statement
  • RegisterUserFunc Statement
  • RunAction Statement
  • SetLastError Statement
  • UnregisterUserFunc Statement
  • Wait Statement

DescribeResult Statement

DescribeResult returns a text description of the specified error code. In following code, error is retrieved using the 'GetLastError' statement, and then the DescribeResult statement is used to print the text description of the error code.

Browser("mybrowser").Page("mypage").Image("myimage").Click 23, 47
errX = GetLastError
print (DescribeResult(errX))

ExecuteFile Statement

ExecuteFile Statement is used to execute the VBScript statements in the specified file. It is an alternative of associating a file to your test. Once the file runs, the definitions (functions, subroutines, classes, etc.) in the file are available from the global scope of the action's script.

ExecuteFile "C:\abc\MyFunctionLib.vbs"

Once done, all the function/code in the file will be avialable to use.

Please note that if are using ExecuteFile instead of associating it with test, you cannot debug a file/using breakpoints.

Related Posts:

Utility Statements in QTP - Part 2
Utility Statements in QTP - Part 3

Tuesday, May 10

Database Connection using QTP

Hello Friends,

In this post, we'll see how to connect to database using QTP. We'll connect with database and retrieve values from the table/recordsets.

DataBase_Connection() creates a new connection to a database.

There are two arguments passed to this function -

1. sessionName - the name of the session (string)
2. connection_string - a connection string, for example the connection_string can be "DSN=SQLServer_Source;UID=SA;PWD=xyz123". Please note that the connection string will vary as per your database details.

Function DataBase_Connection(sessionName,connection_string)
    Dim oConnection
    on error Resume next
    ' Opening connection
    set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    If Err.Number <> 0 then
        DataBase_Connection= "Error :- " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
        Exit Function
    End If
    oConnection.Open connection_string
oConnection.CommandTimeout = 120  'modify this value if needed. 
    If Err.Number <> 0 then
        DataBase_Connection= "Error := " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
        Exit Function
    End If
    set sessionName = oConnection
    DataBase_Connection = 0
End Function

We need another function to retrieve data from record set.

Function db_get_field_value( myrs , rowNum, colNum )
    dim curRow

    count_fields = myrs.fields.count-1
    If ( TypeName(colNum)<> "String" ) and ( count_fields < colNum ) then
        db_get_field_value = -1 'requested field index more than exists in recordset
        myrs.Move rowNum
        db_get_field_value = myrs.fields(colNum).Value
    End If
End Function

Now, let's do the actual thing :)

Con = <name of the session>
SQL="SELECT * FROM Your_Table"

isConnected = DataBase_Connection (Con , con_string)

'Now check if connection is successful. Function will return zero if connection is successful.
If isConnected = 0 then
    'Execute your SQL statement
    set myrs = Con.Execute(SQL)

    'Retrieve values from the recordset
    print "val - row 0 col 0: " & db_get_field_value( myrs , 0 , 0 )
    print "val - row 0 col 1: " & db_get_field_value( myrs , 0 , 1 )
End If

Set Con = Nothing 'Disconnect database

'Below is the example connection string for Oracle database

 'strUserID = "user11"
 'strPassword = "pass11"
 'Conn_String="Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=" & strDBDesc & ";User ID=" & strUserID & ";Password=" & strPassword & ";"
In case of any querirs, please leave your comments. Happy Automation :)